Upload Video
Once you’re logged into the online editor you need to upload your video. All popular formats are excepted.
Upload by dragging and dropping your video into the projects area, or click in the projects area to upload.

Once transcript is generated, it will auto-add subtitles to your video.
Edit the text by simply typing over the text. This will update the subtitles too.
TIP: If you want to delete a word, you can select it and press DELETE or BACKSPACE. This will leave a visual empty box in the editor for ease.
You can also just select the word and press SPACEBAR. However this won’t leave any visual clues the text has been removed
To put subtitles on video, you can toggle them on.
You can also style them, by clicking on the style icon next to the toggle button also.
Delete (trim video)
You can use the ‘delete’ button to trim your video. Selecting the words will not just delete subtitles, it will trim out your video!

Split Video
You can select any word to split your video at that point. This will create smaller clips for you to export. To view your clips, click on ‘Export’ where you can preview each clip separately.
Export Video or Text
Once you’re done, you can export the video/ clips with subtitles.
You can export the transcript as a text file or subtitles text file separately too.